Mixture of Four

The Mixture of Four is a new, hour-long talk show for children, hosted by children with a focus on Detroit’s arts and cultural community. It will be featured on the Detroit Broadcasting Company’s website, a program of the Chalfonte Foundation, that will stream new and curated programming showcasing arts and culture from the Detroit area and transmitted to the world. 

Check out the Metro Times article about Mixture of Four.

Supported by The Chalfonte Foundation and Michigan Arts & Culture Council, administered by CULTURESOURCE, this exciting new program is hosted by four dynamic fifth-grade boys from Detroit who are eager to share their unique interests and passions with their pee rs and community. Hosts Cleveland Gregory, David Winkler, Oscar Callahan, and Sy’Aire Liddell bring fresh perspective and energy, and they’re excited to share their experiences and insights with their audience.

Not only is this a talk show for children that is hosted by children, but also, working alongside the Detroit Broadcasting Company’s camera crew and production staff are young interns that assist in the filming and editing of the show. The mission for The Mixture of Four is to engage and enrich the lives and minds of Detroit’s adolescents. Whether our youth are being filmed, doing the filming, participating on the show as a guest, or watching the talk show at home, we hope they gain a new perspective and understanding of the rich art and cultural history and community Detroit has to offer.

The show will kick off with our young artist, Cleveland Gregory. Cleveland’s segment will feature dancing, collaborations, interviews, and studio visits with Detroit artists. Cleveland has always been passionate about the arts and is excited to showcase his incredible talent and the talent of local artists and performers, as well as learn from their expertise. He will take viewers on a journey throughout the city, highlighting different neighborhoods and cultural hotspots while giving viewers a taste of the creative energy Detroit has to offer.

Next up is David Winkler, who is passionate about video games. His segment will focus on the world of gaming and his “life as a gamer.” David will give tips and tricks for navigating different games, and he’ll also share his own experiences and insights as an avid player. He’ll introduce his audience to the latest games and help them to discover new favorites of their own. David also will visit local arcades and gaming conventions where he can share his knowledge and meet gamers and game creators with similar interests.

Oscar Callahan is a budding chef, and his segment will focus on the culinary arts and agriculture. Oscar will teach his audience about the joys of cooking and share his own experiences in the kitchen. He’ll introduce viewers to different ingredients and teach them how to make simple yet delicious meals, encouraging them to explore their own culinary interests and passions. Plus, Oscar will visit local urban farmers and restaurateurs to learn the importance of where our food comes from and how it is grown or prepared.

Finally, Sy’Aire Liddell, who has always had a knack for performing, is looking forward to improving his acting skills and learning more about puppetry and performing arts on his talk show. He will be interviewing professional puppeteers and other performers, all while learning different techniques of performing arts. He’s excited to share his learning and journey of acting and performing arts with his audience and hopes to one day be on “the big screen.”

All four hosts bring their own unique perspectives and passions to The Mixture of Four, and together they create a dynamic and engaging program that will inspire and entertain young viewers. Through The Mixture of Four, kids will have the opportunity to explore and discover new interests, while also learning more about the city and community they call home. 

The Mixture of Four will use highly qualified, topic-aligned artists as special guests on the talk show. These special guests are experienced visual and performing artists and educators with deep roots in the Detroit region. The Detroit Broadcasting Company will record The Mixture of Four and their guests conducting interviews, collaborating with the artists, and sharing “how to” videos on specific mediums/talents.

Audiences and participants alike — such as the local creatives, educators, and community members that The Mixture of Four will be interacting with and learning from — will allow for all parties involved to further their knowledge, artistic abilities, and well-being. Participants and audiences will learn about the community and hotspots of Detroit and the history and the present state of the city’s arts and culture movements.

Check out the Metro Times article about Mixture of Four.

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